525 E. Douglas

The Carey House was built in 1886-87 by John B. Carey, a Wichita mayor and businessman. The five-story brick Second Empire style hotel has cut stone trim throughout the facade. The main east and north entrances each have a two-story semicircular arched opening framed with cut stone. The northeast corner of the building features a projecting square tower extending the full building height and terminating in a truncated steeply pitched pyramidal roof with gabled dormers on the north and east sides. Second Empire features can be distinguished by the dormers of the boxy Mansard roof line and tower. Also, note the minimal eave overhang.

On December 27, 1900, Carry Nation brought her temperance campaign to the elegant hotel bar, throwing billiard balls against the mirror, damaging John Nobel's painting of "Cleopatra at the Bath." In 1905 a west wing was added and the lobby and mezanine areas were remodeled, removing the building's original bar.


National Register Nomination: